Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I love to sleep. Yes that's right, I love to sleep. I hate having to get out of bed in the morning. I could sleep to noon everyday if my kids and husband would let me. Yet I get only 5-6 hours of sleep per night. If it comes right down to it I could go to bed every night around 8:30 after I get the kids to bed and settled but I don't, and every morning I wake up and regret not having gone to bed early. Yet I can not give up the few hours of the day that I have where I can do something without any children running afoot. Too bad most of that time ends up being spent doing dishes or picking up toys. Sometimes I feel very selfish that I get annoyed at having to do normal mother stuff that most people seem to do without complaint, Maybe I wasn't meant to be a mom...Ha too late now! Don't get me wrong I would never change that I had them if I had to do it over again, sometimes I just wish I had a nanny or two to chase them so I didn't have to!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Get out and vote

So we took the kids this morning to the polling place with us at around 7:30 am. The line was all the way out the front of the school. We took our place and gave the kids toys to play with and settled in for the wait. An election worker came through just a few minutes later calling for people who's names started D-G and we being C's were disappointed...but lo and behold after waiting somewhere around 5-10 minutes they called for A-C to come to the front of the line. So we moved all the way up to the gym door and were out the door after voting in less than 15 minutes. I love it. I felt bad for all the H-M people who were the ones that were holding up the line. Who would have thought there would be so many of them! So most of you that would read this know how I voted but I don't hold much hope for it to actually do any good this time. I can only hope that the Dems don't take over everything or I'll end up paying more taxes and losing any hope I have of getting ahead in this lifetime. I still cannot see why people feel that socialism is fair. Why is it not fair if I make money and fair if you take the money I make and give it to someone else? Why is it fair to punish people who work really hard to make something of themselves, open their own company, go to school to become a doctor or lawyer or MBA by taking their money to give to some random person who makes less than they do? Charity is a personal and private decision and should not be forced upon anyone. If I choose to not "share my wealth" that should be my choice and the government has no business dipping into my pocket anymore than they already do. How I wish there was a TRUE small government party that could actually win an election. I would love to see our government pared down.
I like economics, I think every political should have to take a course in economics before they can be elected to anything that would have them working with a city or states money. I was taking some economics classes at Mason when I got pregnant with Cordelia and it makes me crazy to see and hear all this garbage being said about how the government has to DO something. The government is the one that made this mess in the first place! The government needs to stay the hell away from the economy before they make it worse. My biggest pet peeve about politics and economics? The idea of taxing big businesses...who do you think pays the tax when the government lobbies a tax on big business? We do. The business, be it tobacco companies or car companies or oil companies they RAISE THEIR PRICES to offset the tax. Either way we pay it

Sunday, November 2, 2008

10 things I love

So I am feeling a little lazy today so I'm just going to make a list of things I love

1 Fall days where I can have a picnic outdoors

2 When children say things that are so hilarious you can't imagine that some adult didn't pay them to say it

3 Reese's peanut butter Pumpkins

4 Really good stretches

5 Staying up all night with a really good book that you can't put down

6 Girls night out with Miss Jean, Cordelia, Jen and Betty Ann, and Gloria

7 Candy Corn

8 Summer Fairs ( real ones with animals and 4h clubs and rides)

9 So You Think You Can Dance

10 Penguins Hockey