Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I signed up for a facebook account a month or so ago, to help a friend of mine find someone that I knew was on there but she couldn't find. I didn't go back again until a day or two ago and I haven't been off it since. I am absolutely addicted to it now. I have found people I haven't spoken to in 15 years, and I am so psyched by it. I have spoken to my sister and one of the two cousins that lives here, and one of my cousins that lives in Missouri. I'm not sure why I resisted it for so long, probably because I was fearful of getting random people adding me when I didn't know them. Either way, I'm stuck now, my kids are running around half naked and I'm too busy finding people to care =D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I hate the cold. I would much rather it be hot than cold every day. I am one that could do without winter completely. We just got a couple inches of snow, and while I am happy that the kids got to play in it I'm also very happy my daughter's school was closed for two days so I didn't have to go out into it. I am all for looking out over the woods when it snows and it clings to the trees and makes everything glisten and shine beautifully, as long as I can do it inside in front of a roaring fire with a blanket. I do have to go out in a few minutes to run an errand and I'm not looking forward to's less than 20 degrees outside right now...that's cruel and unusual punishment.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A good day

This Saturday was a really good day for me. I got to sleep in til 9 am...which is a feat for someone who's kids get up at 6 am...I got to go over to Serena's house, with the baby, and eat a wonderful meal that she prepared for me and Vena. The rest of the day was pretty typical but it's so nice to have a different beginning than normal. So many times when you have kids you feel stuck because you have to have a normal routine since children thrive on them. Having a departure, even for a short time was wonderful. Now if I only had the money for a bigger house and live in nanny!