Monday, October 27, 2008

Boo at the Zoo

Last night my husband and I took our kids to Boo at the Zoo. We went two years ago and the place was packed with companies giving way stuff. There were booths giving away big bags of M&M's, Cape Cod chips and Starbucks Coffee. Last year we didn't go as we were out of town for Halloween so we had high hopes for this year. I was a little let down by what we saw. The first year we went the place was packed with companies giving away freebie products or candy to kids of all ages, this year the Olmstead walk was comparitively empty of booths. Now I'm wondering if this is because we went on a Sunday instead of Saturday and companies ran out of product or if the economy has just driven the freebie's away. Probably the latter...
Either way we had a good time, we met some friend there with their kids and we walked most of the zoo before they were too tired to go on.

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