Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I love to sleep. Yes that's right, I love to sleep. I hate having to get out of bed in the morning. I could sleep to noon everyday if my kids and husband would let me. Yet I get only 5-6 hours of sleep per night. If it comes right down to it I could go to bed every night around 8:30 after I get the kids to bed and settled but I don't, and every morning I wake up and regret not having gone to bed early. Yet I can not give up the few hours of the day that I have where I can do something without any children running afoot. Too bad most of that time ends up being spent doing dishes or picking up toys. Sometimes I feel very selfish that I get annoyed at having to do normal mother stuff that most people seem to do without complaint, Maybe I wasn't meant to be a mom...Ha too late now! Don't get me wrong I would never change that I had them if I had to do it over again, sometimes I just wish I had a nanny or two to chase them so I didn't have to!


Unknown said...

Too bad you can't train the manny to clean ;-)

Stephanie said...

haha that would require the manny to be here too much for me =)