Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Republic of Curb

I am the opposite of Scarlet, I need heat and good weather to thrive. I don't mind rain, as long as it's WARM rain, but I hate the cold. I want to just get into bed and stay there til the flowers start blooming again. Where should I live? I thought about Hawaii but it's too expensive and the bugs are crazy, and as much as I hate the cold I'm not sure I hate it more than bugs. Where is there a warm climate without tons of bugs? Does it exist? I suppose I could move to the desert but scorpions scare me! Why I have a fear of scorpions I don't know...I grew up in Ohio for goodness sakes! The only contact I ever had with a scoripon was reading "The Pearl" by Steinbeck. Snakes, yes, Spiders, yes, scorpions? Nope. Anyways, I'm tired of the cold already and it's only the beginning of December =(

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So you think you can dance

During the last season I got to the point where I didn't want to watch anymore, I keep seeing better dancers getting kicked off because so and so has a better personality. I have watched the season but it's even worse than ever. I don't understand how Mollee is still on the show after the poor performance she had in the beginning. Then the said she was in HSM...well there you go. I wish these contests were about dancing not popularity. It's sad that people like Will and Kayla can get removed because their personality didn't come through. I think this will be my last season. At least Elenor is still left, the only girl I could want to win.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I signed up for a facebook account a month or so ago, to help a friend of mine find someone that I knew was on there but she couldn't find. I didn't go back again until a day or two ago and I haven't been off it since. I am absolutely addicted to it now. I have found people I haven't spoken to in 15 years, and I am so psyched by it. I have spoken to my sister and one of the two cousins that lives here, and one of my cousins that lives in Missouri. I'm not sure why I resisted it for so long, probably because I was fearful of getting random people adding me when I didn't know them. Either way, I'm stuck now, my kids are running around half naked and I'm too busy finding people to care =D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I hate the cold. I would much rather it be hot than cold every day. I am one that could do without winter completely. We just got a couple inches of snow, and while I am happy that the kids got to play in it I'm also very happy my daughter's school was closed for two days so I didn't have to go out into it. I am all for looking out over the woods when it snows and it clings to the trees and makes everything glisten and shine beautifully, as long as I can do it inside in front of a roaring fire with a blanket. I do have to go out in a few minutes to run an errand and I'm not looking forward to it...it's less than 20 degrees outside right now...that's cruel and unusual punishment.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A good day

This Saturday was a really good day for me. I got to sleep in til 9 am...which is a feat for someone who's kids get up at 6 am...I got to go over to Serena's house, with the baby, and eat a wonderful meal that she prepared for me and Vena. The rest of the day was pretty typical but it's so nice to have a different beginning than normal. So many times when you have kids you feel stuck because you have to have a normal routine since children thrive on them. Having a departure, even for a short time was wonderful. Now if I only had the money for a bigger house and live in nanny!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm tired. I feel like I have been put through the ringer already this year. With the death of my mother-in-law and then all of us getting the stomach flu I feel like I have been run over by a truck. My normally cluttered and messy house is an absolute disgrace right now, you can't even move in it. I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in 6 months and if it weren't for my weekly playdate with some friends I wouldn't even see any of my friends anymore. I need a vacation, and I need to feel like I'm normal again, whatever normal is.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So how are we going to fix the economy? Why we are going to borrow MORE money and spend it on preventing sexually transmitted diseases. That will create jobs. PFFT What a load of horseshit this "stimulus package" is. How can people believe in this? If 3/4 of the money won't be spent during the next two years how can it help the recovery? Truth is it can't, it's just payback to all the idiots that are friend with or related to the idiots in congress and the senate, D and R both. Money is made when people are allowed to make it. Until the government quits messing where it doesn't belong, we are screwed.

Friday, January 23, 2009


My 5 month old is getting his first tooth...holy crap is he mad about it too. He has been hollering at me for two days now, it has finally poked through so I'm hoping the yelling is almost done but it's not looking promising. I thought for the first couple months he was going to be my laid back baby but whoooo did he ever lull me into a false sense of security. Now he's louder than the other two.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well now...I

It's finally here, the dawning of a new age. Let's see what he can do with it. I was disappointed about a couple of things but the two biggest were the people chanting at Bush and the litter left behind by the party of environmentalists. I guess I shouldn't be suprised about the litter but I was and disappointed. Actually, three; the price tag for the whole event was a little outrageous, they are whining about how much money we need and then spend 170 mil on a party. I felt bad for all the people with Blue, Purple and Silver tickets that were denied enterance. Hope they can get their money back.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So I am wondering how many of the people who voted for Obama are upset by the lack of "change" in his picks for his cabinet and staffers. I half expected him to bring in some non Washington personnel who Republicans would decry as having no experience. Most of his picks though, are just your normal Washington people who Clinton used. Do you feel the change will come from the top no matter who is in charge of the other agencies or do you feel hoodwinked into picking someone who called for change and then pulled the rug out from under you.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Belated New Years!

Since we had just gotten back from Florida and had company over New Years here are my, albeit late, New Years Resolutions:

1. LOSE WEIGHT - for the love of god I will do this if it kills me.

2. Make it to book group every month and have read the book 10 out of 12 times!

3. Get Serena to take me on a photo taking day trip into nature, I've caught the picture bug and who better to get me out there?

4. Go to a wine tasting at least once this year.

5. Try a new food every month, starting with Ham this month (technically this isn't a new food but I have hated ham for years and I tried it again since I haven't eaten it since I quit smoking years ago and have found it's not so bad now)

6. Revisit all the major museums with the kids so they can start to develop the love for the arts young.

7. Read a classic every month, starting with O Pioneers in January - yes true it's the book group book, but I read it!

8. Keep a cash and food journal so I can beat myself up over all the money and junk I'm wasting.

I think that's enough to keep my busy...


So after a busy month where I couldn't seem to find a break to get my thoughts together I am now back in the loop. Now more than ever an outlet will be nice to have. My mother in law fainted at home on Monday morning and passed Tuesday night. So all this week I have been getting funeral arrangements together. It's incredibly hard to plan the funeral of the woman who made my husband the man he is, trying to keep her husband from giving up and becoming one of those husbands that dies within months of their wives because they feel they have nothing else to live for, driving between funeral home and church to make decisions, all while keeping my 4 year old from being too sad. I can not image having to do this again let alone multiple times.