Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Republic of Curb

I am the opposite of Scarlet, I need heat and good weather to thrive. I don't mind rain, as long as it's WARM rain, but I hate the cold. I want to just get into bed and stay there til the flowers start blooming again. Where should I live? I thought about Hawaii but it's too expensive and the bugs are crazy, and as much as I hate the cold I'm not sure I hate it more than bugs. Where is there a warm climate without tons of bugs? Does it exist? I suppose I could move to the desert but scorpions scare me! Why I have a fear of scorpions I don't know...I grew up in Ohio for goodness sakes! The only contact I ever had with a scoripon was reading "The Pearl" by Steinbeck. Snakes, yes, Spiders, yes, scorpions? Nope. Anyways, I'm tired of the cold already and it's only the beginning of December =(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reading this several months and snow storms later I realize you had to be miserable this winter. :-(

I've heard Hawaii actually has manageable bugs. Or maybe that it doesn't have flies. Hmmm. Warm weather breeds bugs, so not sure what to recommend.